Monday, 3 September 2012

That's a Wrap

I got really excited the other day when I opened up an email which brought me the news that my 'Nice' teatowel had been featured in a magazine. Being a massive ego maniac I got straight onto the interweb, tracked it down and boy am I glad I did! The magazine in question Wrap is really lovely - it's printed onto un-coated stock which instantly makes it a joy to hold but it's also full of beautiful illustration, interviews, stories and you get free wrapping paper with every issue. As if that weren't enough I also received a free print and excellent customer service which made me feel really valued. I'm really enjoying dipping in and out of it, slowly learning a little bit about each featured illustrator, so a big THANK YOU to you Chris & Polly x

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oooh nice one! That nice print rocked which was why i mentioned it on my blog! Well done hunny!