Monday, 26 March 2007

Can you see who it is yet?

Stitchin is bitchin!
I bought a steamer today, am really excited about a whole new world that revolves around steamed food. mmmmmm

Monday's aren't that bad...

I came across this idea I had ages ago for purses, this is just a sample made from black felt with gold thread stitching.

Thursday, 22 March 2007

The studio

It's sew close i can almost smell the wood on my new desk ( hopefully arriving next week)

Tuesday, 20 March 2007

Inch by inch...

I'm slowly but surely setting up my own wee studio, all I need now is a desk, then i'll have no more excuses and the sweatshop at the top of my house will open. I'll also get on top of this whole blogging thing and hereby promise to post at least 2 new things every week.

Sewing Machine

This is me experimenting with a new part of photoshop, to be honest all of photoshop is pretty new to me. Need i say more?

crappy little drawing...

I know it's a bit crap, but i've put this up as a reminder to use colouring pencils more.

People are always calling me a real brown-nose!